LeCTo - Lecture Capture Tool Lecture Capture Tool


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What is LeCTo?
How can you create LeCTo recordings?
Where is LeCTo recording published on the web?
Can LeCTo recording be modified after it's publication?
Why was LeCTo created?
Who created LeCTo?

The purpose and intention of LeCTo is to create lecture captures suitable for autonomous learning.
The ambition is also to compensate for some intrinsic deficiencies of live lectures:

  • Synchronization problems
    • Lecturers deliver and audience consumes lectures at predefined time
    • When they might not be able to be present
    • Are not in their best physical, emotional or mental shape
  • Limited time problems
    • There is not enough time to explain in depth and breadth
    • To repeat parts of lecture
    • To repeat some important prior knowledge
    • To ask and answer all questions
    • To formulate questions
    • To experiment, reflect, exercise
  • Students’ prior knowledge
    • All students don’t have the same quantity and quality of prior knowledge required to follow the lecture
    • There isn’t time to make it up

Therefore it is beneficial to include speaker’s notes in lecture capture. They contain possibly more information than presented and perhaps formulated in a different way. This facilitates user’s understanding.
Ability to freely and easily navigate the whole lecture enables users to repeat parts of lectures, study them carefully and thus adjust speed and timing to their needs and abilities.

If users lacks some prior knowledge, he can use provided links with a part of lecture to follow the via standard web browser and learn what’s missing. The same is true if users shows broader interest than lecture can provide.

Carefully studying examples, observing multimedia content, studying numerical data or experimenting with web applications and various tools would foster the “knowledge transfer” e.g . the process of fortifying newly acquired knowledge and converting it into a skill. This is provided in LeCTo via additional HTML (web) content presented in separate window. It can be just any local or Internet based web page (application, …).

Listening to a lecture usually generates questions. In live lectures users rarely dare to ask questions. They are either ashamed, are wondering whether they are legitimate or simply do not have enough time to formulate them. Even if they do, there is not enough time to answer them all. In LeCTo the lecturer can present typical frequently asked questions and answers to them in a separate window. Thus user will get answer to most questions he might have.

Finally, in the process of learning we often have the feeling that we understand, but the key is to objectively verify understanding. Quizzes linked to the small chunks of content are one simple way to do that.

Various people learn in various ways. Also they prefer different types of explanations. LeCTo enables just anyone to create any of additional contents to original video: notes, web pages, links, faqs and quizzes. A user can simultaneously use several different additional contents of the same type be it notes, links, quizzes or others.

LeCTo was designed according to these requirements.


Last change: 2012-10-03